mynestegg – demystify pensions and ISAs by making saving simpler

With demographics shifting, the number of pensioners in the UK is rising year on year. But not enough people are saving enough to have a comfortable, enjoyable retirement.
Research from the charity Living Wage Foundation suggests that over half of Brits (53%) worry they won’t ever be able to retire, despite auto-enrolment into workplace pension schemes. And that worry isn’t turning into action, because the pension market is so complex.
Enter… mynestegg.
They’re making saving simple.
For too many people, just the thought of setting up a pension makes them think of boring meetings, financial advisors in suits criticising their spending habits, and having to sacrifice having fun today just to secure a tomorrow that’s years – even decades – away.
mynestegg is here to change that. By making saving simpler. By helping people secure tomorrow with simple, effective action today.
With a unique, free-to-use calculator, mynestegg will tell users within thirty seconds where their future is heading, and what they need to do to meet their goals.
Then, savers can use an entirely transparent, online platform to open up ISAs and consolidate or create their pensions. mynestegg is using technology to streamline what’s traditionally been a very complex process. But their aims go beyond just making it simple to save.
The vision is for people to be able to sit in a coffee shop, or a pub, or around the kitchen table, open up their mynestegg app and show their friends that they’re on track for an enjoyable retirement. It’s not just about making it easier for a user to track their own progress – it’s about sharing so that everyone can enjoy a financially secure future.
It’s a mindset that wants to turn worries around saving for retirement into celebrating the fact that tomorrow is being looked after by making the right choices today.
Whether they’re dipping their toes into saving with an ISA, or planning for the long term with a reliable pension invested into some of the world’s leading brands, mynestegg customers will be able to take the steps they need to make sure they’re not worried about the future.
Instead, they’ll be looking forward to it, while sitting on a comfortable nest egg of their own.
About mynestegg
mynestegg makes it easier than ever to save for the future you want. With easy ISAs, simple pensions, and clear, real-time visibility on every penny of your savings, we help UK savers plan for the future with freedom, flexibility and focus.
Say bye-bye to the status quo and hello to the simplest way to secure tomorrow, today. Visit