NAHT Cymru calls for science-based decision and Wales-wide policy on mandatory face coverings for secondary schools in Wales

As the Welsh Government are considering making face coverings mandatory in secondary schools, the head teacher’s union NAHT has called for decisions to be based on science and for clear guidance to be issued across Wales on any decisions made.
Laura Doel, NAHT Cymru Director, said:
“Decisions on face coverings must be based on medical and scientific evidence. If the Welsh Government’s latest medical advice suggests that there is a benefit to making them mandatory in secondary schools then we will support it.
“We welcome an approach that sees guidance being reviewed when new information about the virus comes to light to ensure pupils and staff are as protected as possible. What we cannot have is the situation we had in the summer where such decisions were left to schools and Local Authorities which led to a mixed economy across Wales.
“A decision on the health benefits on face coverings must be taken by the government and clear guidance must be given to schools as to what they need to do, when such coverings need to be worn and what kind of coverings are required. Government need to give schools the guidance as quickly as possible so as not to leave them in confusion or without answers for anxious families and staff. If specific coverings are required, they must be supplied, or funding made available to schools to purchase them.”