New scheme aims to get SW Wales housing association tenants online

Tenants of Family Housing, a housing association in South West Wales, are being given help getting online as part of an initiative that aims to tackle social isolation.
The Get Online with Family scheme, which is funded with £4550 from The National Lottery Community Fund, is a direct response to the challenges faced by some tenants during lockdown. It is now more important than ever to be able to connect online, for everything from social to financial reasons – but some tenants remain isolated due to lack of knowledge and equipment.
The scheme will provide equipment to get tenants online on a rotation basis and also deliver training on how to use the internet, how to send emails and how to make video calls. The aim is to boost tenants’ confidence in using online services and help them feel more financially and socially connected.
The grant application was led by Family Housing’s Tenant Engagement Team members Emma Williams and Carol Johns, after they spotted a need for tenants to have this support.
Carol said: “We are really happy our Get Online with Family application was accepted by National Lottery Awards for All. The funding will help to overcome some of the isolation felt by tenants. It will also improve health and wellbeing, boost online skills and help with community cohesion.”
Emma added: “This scheme is an important way helping our community during this challenging time and thanks to this grant fund, our team can help tenants use tools to help with financial inclusion and develop confidence using online services.”
For more details about Get Online with Family visit:
Tenants without internet connection can call Carol on: 01792 482762 or Emma on: 01792 482706
The National Lottery Community Fund is prioritising grant applications for community activity related to COVID-19. To find out more visit