Newtown’s Spring Fair hits the right note

Newtown’s Spring Fair hits the right note
A vibrant Spring Fair held on the green in front of Oriel Davies Gallery in Newtown last weekend has been declared a big success.
The event, part of a partnership project between Oriel Davies and Open Newtown, invited local musicians, artists, storytellers and organisations to share the space and celebrate the coming of spring.
Stuart Owen, from Open Newtown, said “the field was filled with positivity”.
The event was attended by all ages, an opportunity for families in the community to enjoy the last weekend of the Easter holidays in the sunshine. All were welcomed and encouraged to engage with their green spaces and learn about local artists, upcoming projects and to try something new.
Around 400 people visited the Spring Fair throughout the afternoon. Music was provided by Creative Stuff Newtown and the DJ Club, local woodwind band Ffonic and community singing group Hafren Choir.
Local community groups and organisations brought stalls and activities, including Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust, North Powys Wellbeing, Cultivate, Newtown Gardening Club, local plant growers Nic Knapton and Ash and Elm Horticulture, along with Open Newtown.
Alongside music and stalls, artists Chris Wallbank, Sadia Pineda, Layla Robinson and storytellers Jo Vagabondi and Milly Jackdaw brought an array of workshops to get involved with.
There were also spring animals from Pentre Farm and hot drinks from the Cambrian Coffee van, which proved popular all afternoon.
“What an amazing turn out for this first event of the project for Open Events, there was a festival spirit in the air,” said Kate Morgan-Clare, Oriel Davies’ creative producer.
“Thanks to all those who ran stall and workshops and brought music to the event and a special thank you to our visitors who made the sunny afternoon such a happy, relaxed and positive occasion.”
Keep a look out for news of more upcoming events, including a Ska & Reggae Disco Picnic this weekend, Newtown’s Outdoor Festival in June, Rinky Dink Disco in July and a similar autumn event.
The Open Events project is supported by the Welsh Government’s Enabling Natural Resources and Well-being (ENRaW) Scheme. ENRaW supports the development and delivery of projects that make clear links between improving the resilience of our natural resources and well-being.
Funding is provided through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government until June 2023.
Picture caption:
The crowd gathered outside the Oriel Davies Gallery at the weekend.