North Wales EV hub charges world travelling mileage

An EV charging hub has reached its first anniversary by providing thousands of green miles for motorists.
Themes of this week’s Wales Climate week include looking at greener transport infrastructure which Rhyl’s West Kinmel car park EV hub is helping support the pubic with.
Funded by the Welsh Government, the 36 vehicle capacity hub provides a mix of ‘fast’ 7kwh chargers for local users who have no access to off street parking and ‘rapid’ 50kw chargers for a quick charge top up and also to help local taxi drivers on the uptake of electric vehicles by minimising disruption to operational work time.
Since becoming operational a year ago the hub has provided over 250,000 miles of greener transport for motorists who have used the site. That’s equivalent to roughly 10 times around the earth or a one-way trip to the moon.
The charging units at the hub has also provided over 76,000kwhs for EV vehicles stopping at the car park.
Cllr Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport said: “The facility funded by Welsh Government is designed to help those in the area who don’t have off-street parking and want to make the move to greener and more long-term cost-effective travelling and maintenance that an EV can provide.
“The hub is also here to support local businesses by allowing for those travelling in the area to charge their cars and discover what Rhyl and the surrounding communities have to offer.
“As EV ownership continues to grow to provide a more greener mode of transportation, this hub, along with our EV charging network across the county’s towns will continue to provide many more green miles for residents and visitors alike.”
Three of the hub parking bays and charging units are specifically allocated for disabled users.
The charging units also offer a range of bilingual payment options including, contactless card, App driven and RFID Card.
Daytime and peak time users will still pay for a parking space at the hub however the electric vehicle bays will have no parking charges levied between 17:00 and 08:00 as per the rest of the car park.
Charging prices can be found on the charge station’s screens or by visiting the online Swarco E Connect map