North Wales teenager to fight for student rights on Young People’s Advisory Panel

A COLEG CAMBRIA student is fighting for the rights of young people in Wales.

Ellie Kidd was selected by Children’s Commissioner for Wales Sally Holland to join her Young People’s Advisory Panel.

Established five years ago, the panel is made up of children and young people aged 11 to 18 who meet regularly, though currently online due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

As a member of the group, Ellie – a learner on the Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Sport – will give advice and feedback on national legislation and key themes, as well as holding the Commissioner to account on the delivery of work plans and policy.

The 18 year-old, from Flint, is already a member of the NUS Wales Steering Group and Vice President at the college’s Deeside site.

She says mum Rachel and nan Marj are “very proud” of her stance in supporting youngsters across the country on a variety of pivotal issues, notably period poverty, and social justice.

“We had a virtual induction and have a meeting in the coming weeks with the Children’s Commissioner to discuss relevant issues and give our points of view,” said Ellie, a former pupil at Mold Alun School.

“There are a lot of important topics I’m sure we will get into – including matters relating to the rights of young people – and challenges facing children and teenagers across the country.”

As a coach of young athletes and gymnasts in the Deeside area, Ellie knows the value of sport and exercise for health and wellbeing.

She is also interested in politics and enjoys debating and speaking out on injustice and equality.

“One of the main campaigns for me in past years has been around period poverty and ensuring financial or other constraints do not prevent access to sanitary products, especially for young girls,” said Ellie.

“I am proud to have been able to voice my concerns and champion rights at the college and the FE sector in Wales, so it will be a huge honour to be able to do that on the national stage regarding issues facing young people today.”

Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales, praised Ellie for standing up for the rights of her peers and giving them a voice when they need it most.

“Ellie is a valued member of my youth advisory panel, and like all members her views and experiences will help to influence my office’s work in lots of different ways,” she said.

“She and her panel colleagues are there to question me too: to make sure that I take the right decisions and to hold me to account when they think I should do things differently.

“My youth panel are an important part of my office and I have been very grateful for the continued support and enthusiasm they have provided my team throughout the pandemic.”

For more news and information from Coleg Cambria, visit