Oxford and Cardiff alumni named BSNM Champion in Nanomedicine

Dr. Aadarsh Mishra, 27, an alumnus of Oxford University and Cardiff University has been named as the Champion of The British Society for Nanomedicine. Aadarsh graduated with a First Class Honours in Mechanical Engineering from Cardiff University in 2017.
The British Society for Nanomedicine is the primary UK nanomedicine society which aims to raise awareness of nanomedicine research while fostering collaboration with industry, academia, clinicians and the public. The Champions of the British Society for Nanomedicine act as a local ambassador for the society, and include early career researchers, lecturers, and professors.
Aadarsh’s research involves rheology and biomechanical modelling of agarose gels and soft tissues. In the past, agar has been used as a multifunctional encapsulating material and as a drug carrier. Aadarsh has been particularly working with agarose hydrogels and investigating their biomechanical properties as a soft tissue mimic. His work will lead to a better understanding of the agarose-tissue response in time and frequency domain. During his research, Aadarsh has mimicked heart and kidney tissues using agarose hydrogels which will have potential applications in elastography techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE), Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging (ARFI) and Shear Wave Elastography (SWE). Moreover, the agarose mimicking kidney will have potential applications during lithotripsy technique (for kidney stone treatment).
Aadarsh worked with Alesi Surgical Ltd. (Cardiff) as a Research and Development (R&D) Engineer (from 2015-17) and co-invented the design ‘electrode shield’ which was later filed as an international patent. At the age of 21, Aadarsh co-authored a high-impact factor paper in Nano Letters (published by American Chemical Society) where he performed Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations. Aadarsh has also worked at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi) on a defence project where he was developing experimental setups for high strain rate testing. In 2014, Aadarsh pursued his research internship at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc, Bangalore) on a project related to Tribology.
Aadarsh has also published a chapter in the book ‘Power Ultrasonics’ and presented his work at several international conferences such as Annual European Rheology Conference and 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference. Aadarsh was also elected as the Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society at 19 years of age.