PBS Chief Office Visits Former School To Inspire New Generation

A Cardiff school will be feeling inspired after receiving careers sessions from Principality Building Society’s Chief Operating Officer Iain Mansfield. Returning to his former school Corpus Christi, Iain gave students a glimpse into what it’s like to work for Wales’ largest building society.
Iain’s sessions formed part of the Open Your Eyes career initiative, run by Cardiff Council as part of the Cardiff Commitment pledge to engage young people about the workplace. Held throughout the year, Open Your Eyessessionsallow students to hear from local employers, learning about the wide variety of opportunities available to them.
Iain spoke to students about the career opportunities available at Principality, whilst giving an insight into his career progression and key skills to succeed in both their studies and the workplace.Over the past year, Principality colleagues have delivered Open Your Eyes career sessions to 2,600 students in 41 schools across Cardiff.
Iain Mansfield, Chief Operating Officer, Principality Building Society said:
“Principality are proud to give students an insight into what it’s like to work in the financial services industy. It was a pleasure to be able to return back to my old school Corpus Christi.I hope the students found it useful and it would be greatif I’ve inspired them to become future Principality colleagues.”
A Cardiff Council spokesperson said:
“We’re delighted that Principality Building Society are on board with Open Your Eyes Week, through links with our Cardiff Commitment initiative. Open Your Eyes plays an important role in helping children maintain their enthusiasm for learning, ensuring that they go on to employment, further education or training after they leave school and make the most of Cardiff’s modern and dynamic economy.”
Nicole Killen, Science Teacher at Corpus Christi School said:
“Students at Corpus Christi really appreciated the opportunity to learn about careers and they particularly enjoyed the broader life view which Iain provided. Iain spoke to the students not only about jobs and careers but also the importance of life skills, friendships and making the most of every opportunity that arises.”
To find out more, visit www.principality.co.uk/ourcommunity