A FORMER star of 1980s TV from Pembrokeshire is hoping opportunity will knock after launching a ‘unique’ potentially life-saving medical product.

Brodie Fry, who lives in Marloes, has created MyAlerts! – a system which gives first responders instant access to potentially life-saving information about a patient’s conditions and medications while removing the need for them to wear multiple medical wristbands.

It features a single silicone wristband that directs EMTs to a card printed with a unique QR code and number which gives instant access to a patient’s health record and current medications.

Mr Fry, who became a household name with his eccentric comedic routines on shows such as Opportunity Knocks with Bob Monkhouse, came up with the idea during 2020’s Covid lockdown after he was forced to leave work due to multiple health issues.

He said: “I was already wearing four medical wristbands for various conditions but when I was told I needed a fifth, I knew enough was enough.

“I was wearing two bands on each wrist otherwise they tangle with one another and catch on clothing. I was also concerned that a first responder would check one arm and, finding two, would not look for any others.

“The problem with the medical alert bands on the market is that they are generic and each only alerts to one specific condition or medication.

“With MyAlerts! EMTs, who are trained to look for wristbands, will be able to access information about all a patient’s conditions and medications by scanning the QR code or entering the ID number in the MyAlerts! website.”

Mr Fry initially typed up details of his medications and conditions and printed them on a sheet of paper that he kept folded in his mobile phone case. Each time any of the details changed he edited the sheet and replaced it.

He soon realised this wasn’t a practical solution, and it was while the country was in lockdown he had a eureka moment and realised all the information could be stored online and accessed from a single wristband.

He continued: “I realised there had to be another way. This is when I came up with MyAlerts! – a single, scannable card that leads to a page of information about the wearer’s health conditions and medications.”

After an overwhelming positive response from friends and acquaintances who tried MyAlerts!, which costs just a penny a day, Brodie has now devoted himself full-time to developing the product.

He continued: “Being no ‘spring chicken’, I suffer from several health conditions, ominously referred to in these pandemic times as co-morbidities!

“During lockdown my physical and mental wellbeing deteriorated and this partly expressed itself in Agoraphobia.

“At the age of 65, with Type 2 Diabetes and a circulatory disorder requiring constant treatment with anti-coagulants, I became increasingly aware that, should I suffer a medical emergency, a first responder would need access to this crucial information.”

The data stored on a person’s MyAlerts! page is completely anonymous – as MyAlerts! doesn’t need to ask for your name, address, email or telephone number to create your unique page.

If a first responder cannot access the internet, they can call a number on the card and an operator will relay the information.

Mr Fry’s career began with long shifts at Pontins as ‘the world’s youngest hypnotist’ and eventually led to prime time television and a spot on the Bob’s Opportunity Knocks winner’s gala show, which was viewed by 22 million people, after which followed endless rounds of cabaret clubs, corporate product launches, cruises and conferences.

It’s not just people that can benefit from MyAlerts!, says Mr Fry: “While developing MyAlerts! I realised it could have other purposes as well.

“I live alone in a fairly remote location and have few visitors, especially during lockdown, and I was concerned about what would happen with my three rescue terriers if I had a medical problem while away from home.

“They would be locked in the house alone, and it would be days before someone would be alerted to the fact. So I added another function to the MyAlerts! page giving the contact details of a trusted friend who could come in and care for the dogs in my absence.”

MyAlerts! can also be used in any situation where a first responder may need quick access to a patient’s medical history, including outdoor pursuits such as boating, cycling and rock climbing.

If no internet is available, an EMT can phone a MyAlerts! operator who will relay the required information.

For more information visit https://myalerts.uk/