‘Period Proud’ initiative launches at Halo’s Bridgend Life Centre

Bridgend County Borough Council’s Youth Support Service in partnership with Halo, last week launched a ‘pick ‘n’ mix’ style selection stand of free ecofriendly menstrual and other hygiene products which are available for all, at the reception area in Halo’s Bridgend Life Centre.
The move is part of Welsh Government’s initiative, ‘Period Proud’ – a scheme aiming to end period poverty and to achieve period dignity in Wales. Providing free access to period products in the community is a vital element of this strategy.
In addition to the stand, currently anyone in the county borough aged under 25 can also sign up for a free subscription box of period products to be sent to their door, monthly or quarterly, by emailing PeriodDignity@bridgend.gov.uk . Products are also freely available from all primary and secondary schools, Big Bocs Bwyd, community projects, as well as sport and leisure groups.
Lois Sutton, Period Dignity Officer from the Youth Support Team, said: “The Period Dignity scheme is aimed at making menstrual products available and accessible for all. The products displayed on the stand at Bridgend Life Centre are varied, with a range of ecofriendly single use and reusable products so there something to suit everyone.
“Our Youth Council members have been instrumental in helping to set up and steer this scheme with a focus on equality and sustainability.”
Izzy, from the Youth Council, added: “I love the fact that all of the products are either reusable or recyclable – not only is this amazing for being eco-friendly, but it also means that someone who can’t always get hold of the sanitary and hygiene products, can simply reuse them after a wash.”
Since the launch of the display, Manager of Bridgend Life Centre, Nick Flay, has noticed its popularity and predicts that it will need to be refilled shortly. Lois continued: “We are so pleased to see this stand being used to its potential and can’t wait for the others to be rolled out across the county borough to ensure period dignity for all.” Further ‘pick ‘n’ mix’ style stands will soon be available at other Halo leisure centres, as well as youth centres throughout the county borough.
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Services and Health, Jane Gebbie, said: “This is a fantastic scheme to address period poverty – no one should ever be disadvantaged because of their period. Tackling this issue means that having a period will not result in avoiding sport, missing employment, or education.
“We actively encourage people to make use of the free stock of menstrual and hygiene products, which includes toothbrushes and soap. The fact that already many of the products have been taken shows the need for this service in the local and wider area.”
Currently, the council is developing an interactive map for its website, illustrating where products can be accessed free-of-charge. In the meantime, further information can be requested by emailing PeriodDignity@bridgend.gov.uk.
Image: Council Leader, Huw David; Deputy Leader, Cllr Jane Gebbie; Cllr Rhys Goode and members of the Youth Council.