News from Wales

Plans for a new link road and bridge over the Rhymney River take another step forwards

Plans for a new bridge to provide a direct link from Llanrumney to the A48 at the Pentwyn junction have taken a step forward, with permission being sought from Cardiff Council’s Cabinet to enter into a legal contract with the developer to build the new infrastructure.

A report on the new bridge and link road – which forms part of the East Cardiff Industrial Strategy – will be discussed by Cardiff Council’s Cabinet at its meeting on October 20th.

The development will see a new bridge and road link built over the Rhymney River linking Llanrumney to the Park & Ride site and the A48. This will improve access to public transport for local residents, give motorists an additional access/egress point into the city and open up job opportunities.

Consultation has taken place on the sale and the development of three parcels of land to fund the new link road and bridge, with additional finance being made available through Section 106 contributions, which is a contribution from a developer towards community infrastructure,to ensure the new bridge has a two-way cycleway built across it.

The land that will be sold includes the land adjacent to Llanrumney Hall, off Ball Road, which currently accommodates the playing pitch for Llanrumney Rugby Club. A significant area of greenspace will still be retained in front of Llanrumney Hall, but an agreement has been reached to relocate the playing pitch to land off Mendip Road that is not suitable for development.

As well as delivering a new pitch for Llanrumney Rugby Club the scheme will also provide a new full-spec, grass pitch for Llanrumney Football Club, mini pitches, and a brand-new clubhouse and changing rooms for both teams to use. Local clubs will also get access at community rates to a new state-of-the-art sports complex being delivered through a tie-up between Cardiff University and the Cardiff City FC academy at the site of the existing Cardiff University playing fields.

The land being sold by the Council, subject to planning permission, will also deliver a logistics centre on the site adjacent to the A48 bringing new jobs into the area. The full number of existing park & ride spaces will be retained. There will also be 170 new homes on land off Ball Road and Ball Lane, of which approximately 80 homes will be new Council houses.

Cabinet Member for Investment and Development, Cllr Russell Goodway said: “Currently all commuter traffic heading towards the city centre from the wards of Llanrumney, Rumney, Trowbridge and to an extent St Mellons have to use Newport Road which sees significant congestion during peak periods.

“This new infrastructure will finally improve public transport options for local residents. It will create a direct link to the Park & Ride facility where there will be a dedicated bus lane to take people directly into the city centre on public transport, as well as a two way cycleway. This will get people to work quickly, significantly improving on car journey times while helping to cut congestion.

“The scheme will also help bring about investment in community facilities. The local clubs in the area will be given new and better facilities and will also have access to the new Llanrumney sports complex at community rates.

“To ensure this development can proceed, we do have to re-purpose land in the area. This involves freeing up land which is suitable for housing development and replacing local facilities on land which is not suitable for housing development.

“The money raised through the disposal of these sites will be ring-fenced to build the new bridge and road link and will fund the new sporting facilities, bringing much-needed investment to the area.”

Cardiff Council’s Cabinet will be asked if the council can enter into a legal contract with the developer, to build the new bridge and link road, subject to an independent valuation.

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