Planting the seeds of sustainable infrastructure at Swansea’s first “green roof”

Morriston Post Office is benefitting from an eco-makeover at the new “green roof” installed on the site on Woodfield Street.
Revealed yesterday, it is the very first “green roof” to be created by a private company under Swansea Council’s Sustainable Living Grant.
Funded through the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns programme, Swansea Council has awarded the Sustainable Living Grant to redevelop the floors above the Post Office alongside the green roof creation.
With work to include the “green roof” and the redevelopment of the formerly vacant first floor into residential flats, the project is being led by project manager Phil Cushion of PCL Ltd. Work on the development has been undertaken by EvaBuild Ltd, J C Irvine Ltd, and Proseal Roofing, with all companies working closely with Elite Architecture.
Aiming to reduce flooding, absorb pollutants, improve air quality, increase biodiversity for pollinators and plants, and provide summer cooling, the green roof will be multifunctional, biodiverse, and will help mitigate the impact of climate change over the coming years as plants continue to grow and thrive.
Plus, the accommodation project will offer more sustainable living opportunities in the local area — which will, in turn, help to increase footfall on the local high street. Work on the residential space is set for completion in the coming months.
Rob Stewart, Swansea Council leader, said: “Following our two years of research into environmental sustainability and green infrastructure, supported by Natural Resources Wales and the Green Infrastructure Consultancy, we’re pleased to announce the development of our pilot scheme green roof at Morriston Post Office.
“The project will provide a brilliant example for council colleagues, stakeholders and business owners to visit and will act as a benchmark for future installations of green infrastructure throughout the area.
“We hope that this project inspires other developers to consider making green infrastructure a key priority in future plans, as we’re determined to see more green spaces created for communities in Swansea.”
Green Infrastructure — describing all features of the natural environment between and within our towns and cities — is also evident in Swansea’s Kingsway, and the soon-to-be redeveloped Castle Gardens.
Hannah Blythyn, Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, said: “Green Infrastructure is essential for health and wellbeing, and will help communities across Wales to adapt and fight against climate change by bringing more natural sites to the area.
“Green infrastructure projects such as the Morriston Post Office development will provide so many benefits to the local area, and contribute to the goals of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. I look forward to seeing the potential green infrastructure sites that this work will undoubtedly inspire in future.”
Image Credit: John Wellings