Prince Charles Hospital now has a dedicated bereavement room on its children’s ward, thanks to local charity 2wish

2wish, the charity which offers support to families affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a child or young person aged 25 and under, has opened a bereavement room on the children’s ward at Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil.
This room will now be a safe haven for families while their children are being treated on the ward, thanks to the support of businesses such as South West-based EBM Group, Gloucester’s Space Group, and electrician James Jenkins, who all offered their services and furniture and fittings for free. The Masonic Province of South Wales also donated £1,500 towards the refurbishment of the room.
EBM Group has long been an advocate of 2wish, after its owner Gethin Edwards’ family was supported by the charity following the death of his nephew. He sees his company’s commitment to helping refurbish these bereavement rooms as a practical way of giving back and helping others who have been through what his own family has.
Paediatric Ward Manager Emma Probert said: “This room is so important for families who need privacy at the most tragic of times and where sitting in a room with others is not appropriate and sensitive. This fantastic new room is located away from the clinical ward environment, giving families the peace that they need.”
2wish founder Rhian Mannings MBE explained how important these rooms are: “When George was fighting for his life we had nowhere to wait. When he died, we had nowhere to sit. Our wonderful nurse found a space the opposite end of the hospital but the walk, with George in her arms, had a profound effect on everyone.
“This space will sadly be used day in day out for families. Sometimes waiting for good news but sometimes waiting for the worst, but it is a vital space to allow those families to grieve in solitude.”
Rhian added: “We can’t thank people enough for the sponsorship, donations and support given to us at 2wish Cymru to make these rooms possible. I am so grateful to EBM Group, Space Group and James Jenkins, for helping to create this room, which will provide families a lot of comfort at a great time of stress and sadness.”
Ian Bidmead, Managing Director of Space Group, said: “Every time we work to create one of these bereavement rooms it reminds us of the vital work that 2wish does to support families during their darkest time. We are very proud to support 2wish in whatever way we can.”
2wish, which offers support to families affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a child or young person aged 25 and under, has supported 7,300 people in total across England and Wales during their time of need. The charity recently expanded into the English borders and provides immediate casework support, as well as ongoing aftercare services including counselling, alternative therapies, play therapy, support groups, residential weekend and monthly events.
2wish was founded in 2012 by Rhian after she and her husband Paul experienced the heartache of losing their baby son, George. They left the hospital heartbroken, confused and bewildered with no support. Five days later, consumed with grief, Paul took his own life. There was no support available, and she and her children felt completely alone and so she set up 2wish to ensure that there is help available for any families going through a similar experience.
To find out more about 2wish and its work, please visit: