Proposed police precept to be scrutinised by Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel

THE proposed precept for Dyfed Powys Police will be put under scrutiny at the first meeting of the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel in 2022.
Panel members will meet on January 28 to discuss the precept and challenge Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn on his budget plans for the coming year.
The panel, made up of members nominated by the four councils in the force area plus two independent members, has the power to approve or veto decisions on issues such as the council tax precept.
Local policing is funded from a Home Office grant, as well as contributions from the public via the Council Tax, known as the police precept.
During the meeting Mr Llywelyn will inform the panel of the findings of a recent public consultation on police funding, in which he said most respondents were willing to pay extra towards policing.
He is proposing a 5.30% precept increase on last year, which would raise the average band D property contribution towards policing by £1.22 per month, that is £14.60 per year.
His report to the panel says this would provide £127.521million of central core and local funding for 2022/23, allowing the Force to focus on delivering a new Police and Crime Plan and continuing to safeguard the communities of Dyfed-Powys under the leadership of Chief Constable Dr Richard Lewis.
Panel chair, Cllr Alun Lloyd Jones, said: “We are interested to hear what the Commissioner is prioritising in the coming year, and will be keen to ensure that these plans will benefit the people of Dyfed Powys. Aware of the burden increased taxes has on households we will want reassurance that residents of the force area will be getting good value for money.”
Visit for more information about the Panel, its membership, forthcoming meeting dates, agendas and webcasting links, as well as submitting questions for the Panel to put to the Commissioner.
Questions can be submitted online, or in writing at at least 10 days before a meeting.