Public support needed to keep rail network safe during Coronovirus after reports of anti social behaviour

Following government and public health measures introduced last week there has been a sharp rise in reports of anti-social behaviour on the rail network.
Transport for Wales and the British Transport Police are asking people to support the rail network and infrastructure by following the public health guidance on social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Footfall has been reduced and the majority of current rail travellers are key workers supporting the NHS and other critical services.
Following government and public health measures introduced last week there has been a sharp rise in reports of anti-social behaviour on the rail network, including reports of people not following social distancing guidance, which is impacting rail staff and passengers.
Safety and Assurance Director Leyton Powell said:
“Transport for Wales continues to support all efforts to minimise the impact of this terrible virus, working hard to ensure key workers can continue to travel.
“We know it’s a difficult time with school closures and social gatherings impacted, but trains and stations are not the place to congregate.
“We are doing all we can to keep vital services running. Emergency service staff who are using our trains and key workers deserve to be able to travel in safety with confidence.
“I’m encouraging young people in particular, who may be considering using rail services to follow Public Health guidance, act responsibly and for their parents to actively encourage this too. It is critical that we respect our community and the hardworking people of Wales and Borders.”
British Transport Police have stepped up patrols on trains and at stations in response to the rise in reports of anti social behaviour in order to support key workers travelling on TfW services, as well TfW staff who are working hard to keep services operating.