Quantum Advisory South Wales and South West “Pensions for Breakfast” seminar

Aled Edwards, Partner & Actuary at Quantum Advisory, will provide an overview on defined benefit (DB) funding, the Pension Regulator’s funding regime and the potential changes and implications this could have for DB schemes.
Senior Investment Analyst at Quantum Advisory, Stefano Carnevale, will provide an update on how investment markets have performed over the last 12 months, giving his thoughts on how markets are reacting to the ongoing Brexit, and provide an insight as to how pension schemes in the UK are managing these highly uncertain and volatile times.
Rachael Mills, Senior Consultant and Actuary at Quantum Advisory, will end the session by providing a roundup of the pension issues that should be at the top of all defined benefit and defined contribution trustees’ current agendas.
Wednesday 13th November. Registration starts at 8am, with the seminar taking place from 8.30am to 9.45am, with refreshments and networking afterwards.
Celtic Manor Twenty Ten Clubhouse, Newport.
How to book
Email eleni.dowsell@quantumadvisory.co.uk or visit https://quantumadvisory.co.uk/events/