Reading Well for Dementia scheme launches in Denbighshire’s Libraries

A new Reading Well for Dementia scheme is being launched in Denbighshire’s Libraries to help support people living with Dementia, their carers and family members, including children.
The scheme launches this week at public libraries across Wales and England and offers quality-assured, evidence-based reading recommendations. Reading Well for Dementia promotes understanding and helps to break down stigma around Dementia. Some of the recommended books provide information and advice, whilst others feature more personal stories and children’s fiction.
The Reading Well books are free to borrow from your local library, with many of the titles available to access digitally as e-books and audiobooks.
Reading Well has been developed by The Reading Agency in partnership with the Society of Chief Librarians Cymru and Libraries Connected, and is delivered with public libraries. It is funded by Welsh Government and Arts Council England.
During Dementia Action Week, Denbighshire’s Libraries will be highlighting other services they already provide, including a collection of Memory Bags and Memory Boxes, which can be borrowed and used to stimulate memories and discussion. There are also a number of Dementia friendly jigsaws available which can be borrowed just like a book, and are great for entertainment and cognitive stimulation. For people who can’t get to the library, the Home Library Service is there to help.
Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture & Heritage said:
“Dementia is a disease that unfortunately impacts many within our county. These books will help people of all ages become better educated about Dementia.
This scheme, which will be implemented across all of our Libraries within Denbighshire will allow people to understand Dementia, helping to break stigma that is sometimes associated with the disease.”
Please contact your local library for more information.