Research reveals Technology decision makers at Welsh SMEs are prioritising AI and cyber security

The State of Technology at UK SMEs report commissioned by Kidderminster headquartered OGL Computer, an IT services provider, has revealed the top technology concerns and priorities for Welsh SMEs.

The report also highlights newer technologies such as robotics and AI that SMEs plan to adopt; how SMEs are using technology to power remote workforces and what technologies they are adopting for growth.

Technology decision makers in SMEs with 50 – 500 employees were surveyed across several industries.

Paul Colwell, Technical Director, OGL Computer and its cyber division CyberGuard Technologies, comments:

“The inaugural State of Technology at UK SMEs report reveals that IT decision-makers at SMEs have clear strategies for the future, and understand the opportunities and challenges that face their verticals in 2020.

“These range from the perennial, such as the ever-present threat of serious cyber-attack or data breach to effectively managing the increasing amount of data flowing through the organisation. In addition, moving to the cloud securely and an ongoing lack of technology-savvy workers emerged as key themes.

“Handling these challenges, all with a fraction of the resources of their larger, corporate counterparts requires flexibility and demonstrates the resilience that gives SMEs the power to succeed. As we head into a new decade where the only constant is likely to be change, it is heartening to learn through our survey that SMEs continue to adopt innovative products and services.”

Key findings for Welsh SMEs:

Technology priorities and concerns

The survey established the technology priorities and concerns SMEs are expecting in 2020:

• The top three key technology priorities emerged as: increased use of AI 62%; increased cyber security provision 41% and adopting a proactive IT strategy 41%
• The main technology concerns for 2020 were cyber security attacks 67%, keeping pace with competitors 64% and a lack of technology-savvy workers 51%
• 75% of respondents said that increasing the use of applications and adoption of cloud computing is planned to drive business efficiencies and profitability
• 77% of SMEs are planning to spend more on cyber security and IT in 2020

Cyber security trends

Cyber security features heavily in the report with h revealing attack frequency, cyber strategy status and employee training to combat hackers.

• The majority of Welsh SMEs confirmed that they were increasingly worried, with 84% more fearful of a cyber-attack or data breach, compared to 81% nationally
• 90% of Welsh SMEs confirmed that they had suffered a data breach or cyber-attack, compared to 81% of UK SMEs
• 31% of Welsh IT decision-makers surveyed have no cyber security strategy in place, compared to 17% nationally
• 75% agree that they are nervous about moving from an on-premise IT infrastructure to a cloud infrastructure due to fears of data security
• 95% of IT decision-makers in Welsh SMEs educate employees about how to identify a cyber threat compared to 98% nationally with the most popular approach a combination of external and internal training, with 32% of respondents adopting this approach

Colin Dennis, Head of Technical Operations, OGL Computer says:

“Cyber security has been front of mind for SME customers for some time now, as awareness of cyber-risks continues to rise. Proactive management of IT requirements is in many ways connected to this trend, as businesses of all sizes look to compliance requirements as well as asset protection and disaster recovery.”

Emerging technologies adoption

SMEs have long recognised the opportunities technology provides to foster growth and improve profit margins, so appetites for new and emerging technologies are strong, with the top five technologies that Welsh SMEs plan to adopt cited as:

• 5G 54%
• Robotics 44%
• Blockchain 28%
• AI 26%
• Internet of Things 23%

72% of Welsh SME IT decision makers say that they are currently using some form of AI, with 26% planning to adopt it. This ties in with the technology priorities, with 62% citing increased use of AI the top priority. Cyber security was the main reason for the adoption of new technology at 74% – ahead of keeping up with competitors at 49%.

Paul Colwell, Technical Director, OGL Computer and its cyber division CyberGuard Technologies, comments:

“Whether deploying innovative technologies to protect a business, communicate better with customers or improve productivity, our research reveals that SMEs are thinking ahead. They are ready to test new products and services and are increasing their IT and security budgets to benefit from emerging technologies that will change the way we work.”

Remote working

Building a remote workforce can slash overheads, increase productivity, and improve employee efficiency, as well as boosting employee job satisfaction levels. This, in turn, can translate into better customer experience and increased profits.

• 95% of SMEs are seeing a growth in the number of remote workers employed.
• With 54% of the respondents in Wales are currently using technology and 38% planning to adopt technology that enables remote working.

Readers can download the full report at