Research shows: Cardiff Revealed As Best City for Community

It would be a fair statement to make that communities are often built upon four things; well-being, young people, charity and care. Some cities are proven to be better than others, but where does Cardiff rank?
A recent study by Safestore has looked into the care and well-being of residents within the UK’s most popular cities during 2019. Using metrics such as happiness and volunteering opportunities, the research has shown Cardiff to stand out as one of the best.
Based on three categories; charity, young people and care and well-being, each city was given an index score based on its performance.
Beginning with charity, Safestore researched the number of registered charities as well as the number of charity shops, jobs and events across the UK’s major cities. Overall, Cardiff outshone its ‘rivals’, proving to be the most charitable city. With nearly four times the amount of charity shops per 100,000 people as London and almost double the amount of charity jobs per 100,000 people compared to Edinburgh, it was a clear winner.
Cardiff also proved to be a success under the category of ‘Young People’. Having ranked everything from student satisfaction to the number of parks per square metre, Cardiff sits at number two in the table, just behind Edinburgh.
A student satisfaction rate of 81% sees Cardiff near the top, competing with Leeds and Bristol. Furthermore, it ranked number one in parks per square kilometre, with 0.41.
The final piece of the study focused on the care and well-being. As the study shows, this was broken down into four categories. Care and community overlooked the volunteering opportunities and number of hospitals, whereas well-being looked at the quality of life and happiness levels.
Cardiff performed well in all four, sitting above average for each score. Noticeably, the number of hospices per 100,000 far exceeded the other 8 cities in the study.