Residents invited to have their say on the creation of Cardiff’s urban forest

Cardiff residents are invited to complete the Coed Caerdydd survey to share their views on the creation of an urban forest across the city.
The Council’s One Planet Strategy includes an aim to increase tree canopy from 18.9% to 25% by 2030. In order to do this, Cardiff council have established a long term tree planting programme for the city called Coed Caerdydd.
In autumn 2019, a citizen’s survey was distributed to find out how trees impact on residents lives; whether they are aware of the increased tree planting that has taken place; and what tree planting they would like to see in the future.
Councillor Peter Bradbury, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure said, “The experiences of the last 18 months have caused many people to re-evaluate their priorities and think more about environmental issues.
“The Coed Caerdydd project will see Cardiff’s ambitions to create an urban forest for a visibly greener city and pushing us closer to our aim of increasing tree canopy cover in the city to 25%.
“The information you provided in our 2019 survey helped us to secure just short of £1m in funding from Welsh Government and the Woodland Trust to launch our Coed Caerdydd programme and we will begin tree planting across the city over the next two planting seasons, up to June 2023.
“We would like to find out if your views on tree planting have changed since 2019; particularly since the Covid-19 pandemic, the publication of the city’s One Planet Strategy and the declaration of the climate emergency.”
The Coed Caerdydd survey closes on Friday, October 29. It takes around 10 minutes to complete and can be completed online at