Revealed; 44% Welsh workers still happy to work from home

A new survey of office workers reveals how the nation is feeling about working from home once more. In accordance with the latest announcement of a “Fire-break lockdown” in Wales, many workers are packing up their desks and heading back home.
The research carried out by Moneypenny, the outsourced communication provider, revealed that 44% of Wales’ office workers are happy to continue working from home for as long as necessary. 31% stated they are happy to work from home, however, do miss the office.
After the relaxing of the original COVID-19 measures, 33% of the Welsh workforce headed back to the office on a full-time basis.
Furthermore, 20% returned on a part-time basis, splitting their time between working from home and the office. 11% of Welsh workers were also introduced to staggered hours.
Now, with COVID-19 infection rate rising, employees in Wales have been urged to work from home wherever possible.
47% of those originally returned to the office, have now reverted to working from home once more and 33% are stating all is being prepared for them to transition back to working from home.
17% of office workers have revealed they will remain working from the office.
With almost half of Wales stating they are happy to continue to work from home, the survey shows why working from home is the preferable option for many.
Overall, the findings revealed that 60% enjoy not spending time and money on the commute.
Secondly, being able to dress in casual clothes was another popular aspect of not working in an office (47%). 20% stated not having to wear make-up was another advantage of working from home.
The freedom to decide when breaks were taken was another favourable choice with respondents, 36% stated this was the best aspect of working from home.
Personal factors, such as more time to spend with a partner or children (36%) or more time spent with pets (27%) were also popular choices amongst respondents.
On the other hand, there were some elements of the office that workers missed.
Over half (53%) stated that they miss their colleagues. A further 11% miss their office chair, and desk (9%). 4% miss their office plants.
2% say they miss their work husband/wife, revealing that they were in contact with them at least twice a month.
9% of office workers found working from home to be difficult, a further 9% confessed to being less productive without a “office routine”.
The study also highlighted what workers would incorporate into the office after their work from home experience.
24% of Welsh workers stated upon return to the office, they would take their dog with them, similarly, 13% shared that they would take their cat.
33% in the future, would like a comfortable dress code and 20% say they would miss putting the washing machine on in between Zoom calls.
Furthermore, 11% would like to continue wearing their pyjamas and 9% slippers.
In addition, office workers gardens and views would be also missed. 16% say they will miss the garden, and 11% of workers in Wales wish to take their view with them upon return to the office.
However, 20% said they would not take anything back to the office from their working from home routine.