Revealed: Staggering increase in people in Wales with no will

The number of people without a will in Wales has dramatically increased in the last two years, a shocking new survey has revealed.
The damning statistics reveal that while in 2017 the Welsh were the most organised, with only 41% of people admitting they did not have a will, this has increased significantly in 2019 to 59% – up 18%.
The survey was carried out by Will Aid, the charity will-writing campaign that takes place every November.
Across the UK as a whole, 50% of adults do not have a will.
And some regions are far worse than others.
People from Northern Ireland topped the alarming list, with 63% admitting they don’t yet have a will.
In England, the North West fared the worst, with 58% of people admitting they don’t have a will.
East Anglia is the most organised region with just 42% of people admitting they don’t have a will.
Peter de Vena Franks, campaign director for Will Aid, said:
“Every year we carry out a poll to work out how many Britons have no will in place and the figures are always surprising.
“To see that the percentage of people without a will increased this year is all the more reason to stress the importance of taking the time to make a will.
“Will Aid is a fantastic way to tick this important piece of paperwork off your to-do list whilst also making a real difference with a charitable donation.”
Jon Jacques, chair of Will Aid said despite high-profile court cases and news of celebrities dying intestate, around 50% of people in the UK still do not have a will.
“So many of us make a will and then forget about it. But many of us then forget to update it in the event of a change in our circumstances.
“Events such as becoming a parent, grandparent, losing a partner, getting divorced or separated, inheriting assets and getting married are all life events that we should update our wills to reflect.
“Buying a house, large investments, the acquisition of additional properties or businesses and retirement plans should all be kept current in terms of the contents of your will.
“Failure to update changes in your circumstances can leave the loved ones you leave behind financially unprotected.”
Celebrities who have died without a will include Aretha Franklin, Prince, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse and Bob Marley.
Will Aid Month in November, encourages people to get a professionally written will with the help of a solicitor.
Law firms volunteer their time and expertise to write basic wills, waiving their fee, with clients being invited to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid instead. Donations support the vital work of the nine partner charities.
The suggested voluntary donation for your basic Will Aid will is £100 for a single will and £180 for a pair of mirror wills.
Those who wish to book a will can make their November appointments from September onwards via our website or by calling us on 0300 0309 558.
Last year Will Aid raised more than £1 million for its charity partners – ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).
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