Rhyl buildings see visual improvements thanks to Transforming Towns programme

A successful project led by Denbighshire County Council’s Economic Business Development team has supported a number of commercial properties in Rhyl town centre to regenerate and improve their premises.
As a result of the investment through the Welsh Government funded Transforming Towns Grant, visual improvements have been made to many prominent buildings in Rhyl’s town centre, alongside bringing a building that had been dormant for several years back into commercial use.
Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns Grant has provided £130,000 towards these improvements, with property owners providing match funding.
1-4 East Parade Rhyl (old Woolworths building)
This building, which sits prominently on the corner of Rhyl High Street has seen extensive external façade improvement.
This included replacement of windows, shutters, tiles and a full re-paint of the building.
6 Wellington Road Rhyl
This building, which sits on Wellington Road has seen a redecoration of the front façade.
This included the installation of new sash wooden windows, which were in keeping with the Conservation area.
32 Bodfor Street, Rhyl
This project has brought a commercial premises that had been vacant for a long period of time back into use.
The works on this particular project include a new shop frontage and façade improvements.
White Rose Centre, Rhyl
This project aimed to replace all of the signage to the exterior parts of the famous White Rose shopping centre in Rhyl’s town centre.
Emlyn Jones, Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services said:
“Through the Transforming Towns Grant provided by Welsh Government, we have managed to work with a number of businesses and business owners in Rhyl, helping them to add visual improvements onto their buildings.
Through providing this, many buildings within Rhyl’s Town Centre now have a refreshed look, including one building that had been dormant for many years.
I would like to thank all of the business owners that the council has worked with during this period.”
To find out more about the grant, please visit: https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/community-and-living/regeneration/transforming-towns/transforming-towns-property-development-grant.aspx