Rhyl regeneration takes step forward with purchase of buildings, supported by Welsh Government grant

Denbighshire County Council has completed the purchase of Rhyl’s Queens Buildings.
The purchase of the former Savoy Hotel and Queens Market buildings forms part of the Council’s wider regeneration work in the town, and was funded by a grant from Welsh Government.
The Council will now start work on developing ideas for the redevelopment of the site, having secured a further “in principle” grant of £2.5million from the Welsh European Funding Office subject to the delivery of a redevelopment scheme being implemented.
Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, leader of Denbighshire County Council, said:
“This is yet another step forward in the regeneration of Rhyl.
“This is part of our work on the wider Rhyl Town Centre Masterplan and will bring partially derelict properties in the town centre back into use, provide opportunities for new jobs and business growth, as well as stimulating the private sector to undertake further investment in the town.
“This project complements the works in Rhyl with the refurbishment of the newly named Central Car Park (formerly the Underground/Children’s Village Car Park) and the opening of SC2 next month as well as private sector investment which includes new hotels and restaurants.”
Cllr Julian Thompson-Hill, the Council’s lead member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said:
“This area is key to the redevelopment of Rhyl town centre and to increase and sustain footfall.
“The site also connects the town centre to the new waterfront developments.
“The ongoing redevelopment of Rhyl is part of the Council’s corporate priorities to capitalise on Denbighshire’s economic potential.”