Road closures in Prestatyn during adverse weather

As the adverse weather conditions affect the coastal areas of Denbighshire, the Council is closing Bastion Road and Barkby Avenue in Prestatyn this morning. These closures will remain in place to cover the high tide and weather warning period. Access will be limited to residents only.
As well as the road closures, the Council is closing Prestatyn’s Nova West, Beach Road East and Barkby Beach car parks, along with Rhyl Central car park as a precautionary temporary measure until the weather risk subsides.
The Met Office yesterday issued a yellow warning for wind from between 01:00 and 15:00hrs which is coinciding with the high tide in the morning at around 11:19.
A later high tide at 23:44hrs is not currently a concern, as the winds are set to decrease over the course of the afternoon and evening.
Denbighshire County Council’s teams are working hard to keep people and properties safe by checking flood defences are in good working order, clearing gulleys and ditches to help reduce flood risk to communities.
All flood gates will be closed, including the new gates at East Rhyl and the Golf Club as soon as possible.
This morning’s heavy rainfall may also contribute to surface water flooding and drivers are urged to be aware of this potential hazard.
Residents are reminded to be prepared by assessing the situation in their local area and act early if they think there is a risk of flooding to stay safe.
People are urged also to stay away from swollen rivers, and not to drive or walk through flood water.
Flood alerts and flood warnings are updated on the Natural Resources Wales website every 15 minutes and are available to view at
Residents can find advice about how to prepare for floods here: