News from Wales

‘Robert the Doll’ Film-maker Appeal Set to Close Without Meeting Target

Swansea Horror Film Director Andrew Jones and his wife, Sharron, who is now his full-time carer after a serious illness has left him bedbound and unable to meet his own basic needs, have reached the end of the road as the couple sought to raise funds to provide the specialist disabled accommodation and private treatment that Andrew needs urgently.

The funding campaign, which has only reached 23% of the funds needed, ends today and the couple face eviction from their Swansea home very shortly.  While there is a promise of disabled accommodation from the local council, the date overlaps the eviction date and the letting agents are, in Sharron’s words, ‘not being at all sympathetic to Andrew’s healthcare situation’ – leaving them worried sick about where to go in the meantime, as Andrew cannot even sit up in bed.  Even when the couple are in a position to move, Andrew will need to be moved by private ambulance at a cost of £1500+, something they were hoping funding would be able to meet.

Their financial situation has not helped, being worsened by the cost of living crisis.  The couple’s income is insufficient to pay the costs of his care, including the running costs of a specialized hospital bed and air flow mattress to prevent pressure sores, additional heating and massive laundry costs due to Andrew’s healthcare needs.  Sharron says,

“Our situation is really dire, we are so thankful to everyone who has donated, but with the eviction looming we are concerned for what the next few weeks holds for us.  Andrew was struck down really quickly by this sudden illness, and this literally could happen to anyone.  The stress is making him worse, the financial help from the Government just hasn’t been forthcoming and we just don’t know what happens from here.”

It’s a far cry from the days where the active couple were recruiting professional actors and making low budget horror films in local venues such as Margam Park, with Andrew writing and directing the movies while Sharron, creative director, would design costumes and props and support Andrew, with many of their 29 films making it to homes, thanks to big screen and video success.  Many of the actors have donated to Andrew’s campaign and have spoken of his kindness and support when they were working with him.

As well as asking for any final donations, Sharron is asking for people to keep her and Andrew in their thoughts and prayers as the campaign comes to an end and eviction looms.

She says:

“Thank you to everyone who has donated – please hold Andrew and I with highest intentions for the logistics of the move to go as smoothly as possible with the coordination of so many parts and people with hospital equipment being dismantled and then put back together in the property we are moving to.  We will be starting from scratch with no carpets, curtains, or furniture etc. – and as well as creating a home, we need to create a stress-free space where Andrew can heal from this and hopefully return to the filmmaking career he loves – your support is so valuable.
“Please continue to contribute, support and share this on your social media, and stay connected with us via the campaign page, Telegram and Facebook.
“And if you are able, a donation – and your kind words and messages – are still very much appreciated.”
“Thank you for your prayers, love and support.”
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