News from Wales

Royal College Findings Reassure Parents-To-Be

Guidance issued this month by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) offers some reassurance to expectant mothers throughout Wales that Coronavirus may not represent a significant risk to them or their unborn child, has been welcomed by the team at the Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM).

The report published at the end of July by the Royal College states: “All available evidence suggests that pregnant women are at no greater risk of becoming seriously unwell than other healthy adults if they develop coronavirus. The large majority of pregnant women experience only mild or moderate symptoms.”

Further reassurance appears on the official NHS website, which claims there is no evidence Coronavirus causes miscarriage or affects the development of a baby in the womb.

Fertility expert Valentine Akande, who heads the team at BCRM which works with patients in Wales and the South West, said today: “For those would-be parents who endured the agony of their assisted fertility treatments being put on hold for over two months during lock-down, this is reassuring news.

“Of course fertility clinics such as ours have changed certain practices in order to comply with current guidelines to minimise risks to patients and staff. We are delighted to be back to what we do best: helping people have babies.”

BCRM is a private fertility clinic that treats both private patients and NHS patients in a setting that offers world class facilities and technology. Consultations are carried out safely, using telephone or video meetings such as Zoom. However, in order to undertake ultrasound scans, tests or procedures you will need to attend the centre in person.

Any women or couples who wish to discuss having treatment and have not yet had an appointment can contact the clinic on 0117 3018 605 or email for initial advice, or details about their regular online open evenings.

BCRM has the highest success rate in the South West for IVF and also offers a wealth of helpful information to women and couples experiencing fertility issues via their website

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