RWAS Business breakfast to promote opportunities for Ceredigion businesses

The Royal Welsh Agricultural Society (RWAS) is to hold a business breakfast on May 3 to promote opportunities for Ceredigion based businesses and organisations at the 2024 Royal Welsh Show.
This event at University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter will be an opportunity for businesses in and around Ceredigion to make new connections with partners, suppliers and potential clients.
The breakfast will also be a chance to learn more about how businesses can get involved and work with the RWAS during Ceredigion’s year as the show’s feature county.
Attendees will hear from key RWAS officeholders, including chief executive Aled Rhys Jones, about the upcoming show, the charitable aims and objectives of the RWAS and the various sponsorship packages and retail opportunities available.
The event is free to attend and will take place in the Lloyd Thomas Dining Hall, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter Campus, from 9am to midday. Light breakfast refreshments will be included.
To register an interest and dietary requirements, businesses are asked to email . Booking is first come, first served.