Seven Things To Do Over Your Weekends To Relax & Rejuvenate

Women are the main providers of love and care for family, friends, and even intangible things (such as careers and professional development). If they will not value their own health and wellbeing, who else will?
Remember, a truly empowered woman knows how to take care of herself to take care of others. You’ve been working so hard to become the woman you are today, and it won’t make you less of who you are if you take a break every once in a while. If you want to find what makes you feel happy and healthy — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually you just need to explore different ways of caring for yourself. Here are seven ideas of self-care strategies to help you relax and recharge on your weekends.
Start Your Day Off Mindfully
Consider starting your day with the amazing sound of silence. Meditation is thought to clear your mind, boost your mood and help you get in touch with the real you, not this racing thought or wild and crazy chatterbox in your head. This useful activity has also been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels. What better way to forget about your super stressful work week and frustrating boss?
If you find it almost impossible to sit still, try different apps for guided meditation, which will make it easier for you to stay focused and relax. Calm, Headspace and Aura are some of the best examples.
Break A Sweat
One of the best things about a day off is that you don’t get stuck at the work desk – so take advantage of that! Exercise triggers the release of feel-good endorphins that can reduce stress levels as well as bring many health benefits. What’s more, the more you prioritise physical activity, the clearer your mind as the rewards of exercise are cumulative.
While any physical activity you enjoy is great, you will enhance its benefits by taking it outside. Studies suggest that exercising outdoors are associated with increased energy, greater feelings of positive engagement and intent to repeat the activity later.
You can try a morning yoga or pilates session to wake up your body or go for a vigorous walk, a brisk jog or a bicycle ride in the woods to relieve stress – choose any activity that gets your blood pumping. This way, you will close your weekends energised and be ready to tackle the week.
Make Time For Your Passion
Hectic work days tend to push your hobbies to the backseat. Therefore, your weekends might be the perfect time to do what you love. Pursuing your hobbies is a great way to break away from the monotony of daily routine, deal with stress and rediscover yourself, which leaves you feeling positive and relaxed.
Consider reading the book that has been sitting on your bookshelf untouched for ages; turn on the music up for a little dance practice or take out the rusted brushes and draw for a while – there are many interesting activities that you unknowingly bury due to your busy schedule. Try to set aside some time to delve into them during your weekends.
Clean-Up & Declutter
Messes tend to take up mental space and cause negative emotions. Removing dirt, dust and clutter from the environment creates a cleaner and more comfortable atmosphere that makes you feel relaxed and happier, which in turn positively influence your productivity.
Most individuals often use their weekends to catch up on chores, but completing your to-do list during the week can free up your schedule. Whether you decide to dust the furniture on Wednesdays or clean the bathroom on Tuesday evenings, dedicating cleaning days to the week gives you the days off you need and deserve.
Take A Relaxing Bath
To make your bathing ritual extra soothing, you can also try out a CBD bath bomb. Due to the potent compound known as CBD, a bath bomb infused with CBD oil not only brings the benefits of the regular bath bomb but also aids in relieving pain and aches, reducing stress levels and providing better quality sleep.
Experiencing relief from your ailments and better overall well being means that you tend to be calmer, more energised and focused, allowing you to fully unwind during your days off. You can also find CBD oil in many other formats like CBD gummies, CBD vape pen, CBD tea, CBD face mask, to name a few.
Connect With Your Loved Ones
Even if you value time “just for me,” consider setting aside quality time with your loved ones. Use your weekends to have a meaningful conversation with your loved one, catch up on lunch with your close friends, talk to your kids about their school or ask your husband about his work and plan fun activities with them. Although ideally, you should devote a little time to these things every day, weekends can be a very special time for you to spend more time with your family members and close friends.
Learn Something New
Whether you always wanted to master that one technique, try out a creative project, gain a new skill or just enhance the ones you already have, your weekends are also a great opportunity to learn something new.
This can be anything from taking a photography masterclass and learning to play a new musical instrument or a new language to engaging in yoga. Switching up things a bit and acquiring a new skill not only allows you to try something new but also refreshes your brain after a long, hard week. So it is a win-win!