Striking the Work-Life Balance as Company Director


It can be difficult when working as a company director, as taxing and time-consuming as it is, you also need a life outside of your work. But how? Putting your time and effort into a company and watching it grow can be amazing as your hard work is paying off, but you can also really enjoy what you do. You may have a family or partner or other commitments, which can make it difficult to really focus and spend time with them as you will be tired. This is why a work-life balance is needed to make sure you have a healthy relationship with work. In this guide, we explore Striking the Work-Life Balance as Company Director.

Set boundaries and stick to them

Setting boundaries is essential when creating a work-life balance, this lets you and others know about what both sides should expect. You should always be clear about your availability outside of work hours and don’t let work bleed into your personal life as this can really take over your personal life as you can’t get away from it. To prevent you from constantly thinking about work, you should set limits on checking emails and taking work calls during evenings and weekends so that you can have time away to do as you please.

Prioritize the important things

There’s never enough time to complete all of your goals. This is why you need to think about what matters to you and will help you progress. This is a very important question as it will help you understand what you want to spend your time and effort on. The answers could be different depending on the person, some may feel like they should try and focus on high-impact activities that align with their role and advance through the company’s goals, while others may want to focus on a hobby or family.

Take time for yourself

Everybody needs to relax and reset, this could be through relaxing and watching films, or going for a walk or reading, However you choose to let yourself get rested and comfortable as you are putting yourself away from the stresses of life. There are ways you can take time for yourself while at work, such as scheduling breaks, taking holidays, and “me time” on your calendar. This lets you focus when you get back and have some time to think while working. An important thing to prioritise is to make time every day for activities you enjoy outside of work as you don’t want to be consumed with work. Being stressed is very bad for you, which is why you could consider life insurance for company directors.

Create daily/weekly work plans

Having a plan prevents you from feeling overwhelmed which is very useful when creating a work-life balance. When things are planned it means you know what to expect on the day and you can plan around it, letting you take some time for yourself. If you have daily and weekly plans, it lets both you and your employer know what is happening each day so there is no miscommunication. On your plan, you can block out time for your priorities and re-evaluate regularly, which keeps you on top of everything.

Limit meetings and calls

Calls are time-consuming as you can never plan around a call as they are so unpredictable, and things of course change. Sometimes your whole day could be centred around the meetings and calls so you can’t really plan. To stop this from happening, you should be selective about the meetings you attend and try to batch discussions.

Know when to disconnect

Knowing when to disconnect is the key part of letting you have a healthy work-life balance as you understand your boundaries. You can be present at home and minimize work distractions letting you spend time on what you would like. It can be difficult to separate yourself from work so it can be very beneficial when you detach from email and calls.