Sun, steam and smiles at railways’ Blaenau Ffestiniog Family Fun Day!

The sun welcomed the crowds at Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways’ Blaenau Ffestiniog Family Fun Day on May 6.
Locomotives ‘Blanche’ and ‘Lilla’ were on footplate ride duty during the day and proved popular with children and adults alike!
There was also a variety of stalls on the platform including Ffestiniog Railway Society Information, popular local author Mike Leaver signing books and Debbie Jones of ‘Debbie’s Cake’ole’ with a stall full of freshly baked treats.
“It was a really successful day,” said Debbie. “I sold out of almost everything with my lemon drizzle cake and Bara-brith being snapped up first. I even got to have a footplate ride on Blanche, my first time in 18 years of living here!”
Mike, whose book titles include Yeti Seeks Mate and Nork from Nowhere, added: “It was good to meet readers and work with the railway where locos, which have been built over three different centuries, still work on the line.”
The special locals’ train from Blaenau Ffestiniog to Tan y Bwlch Station was also full of happy passengers enjoying a trip in the sunshine.
The railways’ commercial manager, Clare Britton said: “A big thanks to all the staff and volunteers who helped throughout the day and a special thanks to the children who helped out on the society stall, distributing leaflets and badges and speaking with visitors. Their help was much appreciated!”
The Ffestiniog’s newest double Fairlie, James Spooner was also on the platform for photo opportunities.
Follow the Festrail Facebook page and keep an eye out for future events on the Festrail website – – where visitors can also book one of the ‘How a Steam Engine Works’ workshops and the soon to be available tours of Boston Lodge.
Anyone who would like to volunteer with the FfWHR is askes to contact