Swansea based Business Butler gearing up for launch

The Swansea based company, Business Butler, are preparing to launch in Swansea and Cardiff in September, with the aim of supporting SME’s with a range of online solutions using state of the art technology. Their intelligent matching engine connects SME’s to locally based business experts and allows them to quickly and easily book appointments to get the support they need.
The matching engine connects those small businesses with fully vetted local professionals across a wide range of disciplines, based on the information they provide about the help they need. The results are then sorted in various helpful ways, including drivetime, so that the client knows exactly how far they would have to travel to meet with the expert. Getting SME’s the help they need quickly, efficiently and cost effectively in order to increase their chances of survival in a competitive market is at the heart of the Business Butler model.
Alongside the panel of fully vetted and approved local experts, there is a directory of Business Butler Recommended Businesses. Covering a range of services, from office cleaning to printing to photography, and populated with only the highest quality local businesses, the directory will provide an essential catalogue of services for small business owners.
With Business Butler’s official launch approaching, they have already developed a panel of over 50 business experts and are looking to recruit even more before the company goes live in Swansea and Cardiff. Group Business Development Director Mike Heath explains:
“Business Butler is all about supporting local owner managed businesses to connect with their peers and win new clients locally. For our users we are all about providing a trusted vetted network that will help them to grow profitability and sustainably. The SME sector is an important driver for growth and we will be the platform that encourages entrepreneurship and communities to thrive by building strong business eco systems.”
Business Butler have had a successful year to date, being nominated for prestigious Wales Start Up Award and receiving significant financial backing from an angel investor as the company has continued to grow and expand during the current challenging economic environment. In fact, working remotely due to the UK lockdown has not hindered the development of this innovative company, who have used it as an opportunity to expand their team, creating new jobs in South Wales and make advancements in the development of their intelligent business chatbot.
With the aim of launching in more locations in 2021, including Bristol, Birmingham, Nottingham and Leicester, with London planned for early 2022 the future looks brighter for SME’s and startups with Business Butler guiding them towards growth, sustainability and success.