Talented Porthcawl Artist hopes to educate and inspire young children through Rainforest children’s paintings

Talented Porthcawl artist, Ann Marie Eynon, is already seeing a growing following for her charming range of customisable children’s paintings, however with her latest Rainforest collection, Ann is hoping to inspire a love of animals and encourage conservation too.
A passionate animal lover, Anne Marie explained that while the diverse creatures in the rainforest are at risk of extinction, we need to inspire a new generation of conservationists by talking about these animals with young children, letting them see why diversity is important and allowing them to be captivated by tiny details of unique animals such as the pangolin. Ann Marie explains:
“When my son was small, we spent lots of time reading and learning about animals, and he became fascinated. I’ve developed quite a passion for conservation, and many of the Rainforest animals are truly unique – like the Pangolin. This shy, gentle little ant eater is the most trafficked animal in the world. It is on the critical list of endangered species.
“However, they are also incredibly cute – these delightful creatures carry their young on their tails, and their young are called pangopups!
“I hope that by featuring these rare animals in my work, adults and children will be inspired to learn more about each animal and develop a love of the world we live in.
Ann Marie’s work features other endangered creatures too, such as the bengal tiger, and many of these animals have unique features which children love to learn about. Ann Marie explains:
“Children are often delighted to learn that the stripe pattern on each bengal tiger is completely bespoke – the stripes are like a fingerprint!
Many rainforest creatures are being forced out of the protection of the tropical rainforest of Borneo with the expansion of deforestation and proliferation of palm plantations and Ann Marie regularly donates to charities working to support these animals. She is hoping that her nursery paintings will inspire a new generation of conservationists who learn to appreciate animals from a young age, and hopes soon to expand the range. Ann Marie says:
“I hope my pictures will inspire children and parents to learn more, creating special moments as parents and children learn about these animals together. More importantly I hope we are able to save these creatures, because it would truly be sad if all future generations have to remember them by is a picture.”
To learn more about Ann Maries pictures, please visit her website: https://paintingsbyannmarie.co.uk/