Tips for Travelling Overseas with Medication

Travelling overseas with medication can be challenging. You may have difficulty finding some of the prescription medicines you need at your destination. In some cases, certain jurisdictions prohibit the entry of certain medications. Whatever the reason, you must be prepared to ensure adherence to your medication regimen while you’re abroad.
We have enumerated some tips on ensuring your health is in check while travelling with your prescribed medications.
Do not forget to pay your doctor a visit
Your health should always be your top priority. Even when you constantly travel, you must manage your medical condition effectively. Travelling without your medication can put your health and safety at risk. The last thing you want to happen during your trip is ending up in a foreign hospital. To avoid such issues, it is recommended to visit your doctor before an overseas trip. Have a basic health check-up with your primary doctor. Schedule any required vaccinations before flying to certain countries. If you don’t have a busy schedule, you may book an online consultation instead.
Some online health portals offer consultation with licensed general physicians, giving you access to sound medical advice before your departure to another country. On the other hand, you can go for online GP consultation for common health conditions without the need for an appointment. Check out, and complete an online medical questionnaire which will be assessed by a GP who will recommend tests or prescribe medicines delivered directly to you.
Obtain travel insurance
If you want to safeguard your health overseas, obtaining insurance is necessary. A standard insurance policy can cover payment for treatments or diagnostic examinations for pre-existing medical conditions, replacing damaged or stolen medical devices, overseas doctor consultation, and medical evacuation. If you want coverage for prescription medication, you may need to obtain a separate insurance policy.
It is also important to note that some countries employ reciprocal health care management with the United Kingdom. This will essentially cover medical care while staying in certain jurisdictions.
Understand the prevailing laws in your destination
Do not expect that your existing medications are available in other countries. In some cases, your prescription medications may be considered illegal or controlled substances in foreign destinations. Even if your doctor legally prescribed them to you, you could face charges of carrying or using banned or illicit drugs. It is best to avoid this issue altogether by reading travel advisories for your intended destination before packing your medications. You must verify the legality of the drugs you’re taking in your destination. Depending on your prescription medication, you may be required to apply for a permit to bring it to another country. If one of your drugs is considered illegal in your destination, ask your doctor if they can prescribe you an alternative.
Learn about local culture and attitudes
The attitudes and beliefs about certain medical conditions and medications can be harmful in other countries. Certain medications, treatments, or medical modalities may be taboo in some countries, such as psychotropic drugs. If your prescription is controversial in the country you are visiting, it is best to be discreet about it. Find out if your illness is widely accepted in your destination. It will likely be challenging to refill a prescription overseas if it isn’t.
Do not forget to pack enough for your trip
If there is a high chance that you’ll be having a hard time refilling your prescription at your destination, it is recommended to pack enough medication to last your entire trip. If you are going away for a long time, make sure that the quantity you carry is within their prevailing laws. Always keep a copy of your prescription, so you don’t end up getting suspected of selling them abroad.
Do not risk losing all your prescription medication. It is best to keep your medicines in separate bags if one of your travel cases goes missing or stolen. If you run out of prescription medication abroad, you must familiarise yourself with how to get more. You can check online sources and read your destination’s travel advisory for much-needed local health information.
Your medical condition or chronic illness shouldn’t stop you from travelling and enjoying life to the fullest. If you have medications that you need to take regularly, the key is to be prepared and plan ahead. Get all the information you need before departing. When you are fully informed, you can take the necessary steps to reduce the risk of encountering problems with medications while you’re away.