Transport for Wales seeks advisory group members

Transport for Wales is seeking three volunteer Sustainable Development Advisory Group members to help guide the organisation in the implementation of the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
The volunteers will be part of a new Sustainable Development Advisory Group, set up to ensure Transport for Wales is delivering its work in line with the Well-being of Future Generations Act, the Environment Act, the Active Travel Act and other associated legislation.
Advisory group members will help to scrutinise Transport for Wales’ work and make sure developments are being shared with its stakeholders.
The group will meet four times a year, initially online but there will be future opportunities for site meetings in more engaging settings when it is safe to do so.
Natalie Rees, Sustainable Development Manager at Transport for Wales, said: “Transport for Wales aims to transform the transport network in Wales and its Borders to become truly sustainable and fit for future generations.
“These new volunteer advisory board member roles will be vital in helping us put customers and communities at the heart of everything we do.
“We’re particularly keen to have people with experience in the Prevention, Integration and Long-term ‘Ways of Working’ detailed in the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
“Transport for Wales is delivering a number of once-in-a-generation projects over the next decade and this is an exciting opportunity for members of the public to be closely involved.”
Anyone interested in joining the Sustainable Development Advisory Group can contact Natalie Rees Sustainable Development Manager, via email or telephone 02921 054 015 by 27 November 2020.