True business insight into a successful MBO

Join GS Verde Group for the upcoming webinar
Want to know more about management buyouts?
If you are looking to sell your business or plan a strategic exit, find out why an MBO could be the right choice for you by attending GS Verde Group’s webinar.
What is a management buyout?
In a management buyout, the current management team of the business collaborates to buy either a total or majority stake in the business. In doing so, the team buys out the incumbent owner and takes control of the business.
MBOs can occur in businesses of many sizes and in various industries, and there are several advantages to carrying out this kind of transaction.
Take the first step on your MBO journey
Over the course of this webinar, you will hear from Ashley Davies, Managing Director of A&R Services, Chloe Stanford, Executive Director and part of the incoming management team for A&R’s successful MBO, as well as GS Verde Director, David Dulieu. They will talk through many aspects and considerations of the process, giving you a first-hand account of what it really means to transition through an MBO.
In around 45 minutes, you will:
- Learn what an MBO transaction involves
- Get true insight into the practicalities for the business
- Discover the funding types to consider
- Understand the legal aspects and implications
- Have better knowledge of the benefits for both the exiting owner and the management team
Sign up now to save your place at the webinar and after the session, you will receive GS Verde’s MBO guide, along with the webinar recording, for easy access to further expert advice and guidance from GS Verde’s deal-making team.