Twin ambition as sisters secure top A Level results and head for same university

TWIN ambition will see sisters Aoife and Haf Edwards leave Coleg Cambria with stellar A Level results.
Aoife achieved As in Business, History and Welsh Baccalaureate and a B in English Literature.
Haf secured an A* in Law and As in English Literature, Business and Welsh Baccalaureate.
Both students at Yale in Wrexham, the 18 year-olds – who live in the town and attended St Joseph’s High School – now plan to study at the University of Leeds.
“Aoife is going to take Business Management and I’ll be doing Law, but we didn’t make a conscious decision to both attend the same university,” said Haf.
“It’s probably the twin thing! We came up with it independently and have now been to visit the city so that’s our number one choice.”
Aoife added: “The last 18 months has been challenging but the college has been very supportive, and we are looking forward to starting the next chapter in our lives.
“Learning online was tough and we live in a rural part of the county, so we were unable to see our classmates for a long time, but we managed to get the grades we needed and are absolutely delighted, as are our family.”
Aoife and Haf were in the news earlier this year as part of Cambria’s successful quintet in the Skills Competition Wales Enterprise Challenge.
The group won the Learner Choice Award and picked up the overall silver medal after competing against eight colleges across the country.
Held online due to the pandemic, participants were asked to develop an idea that would help communities reconnect post-lockdown.
They had previously beaten 26 teams from Cambria to represent the north east Wales institution on the national stage after initially sharing their ideas with the college’s leadership team, including Chief Executive Yana Williams and Principal Sue Price.
“During lockdown this contest was a breath of fresh air as it enabled us to see our friends and keep ourselves active while taking part in a really exciting challenge for the college,” said Aoife.
Haf added: “We are both interested in business and really enjoyed the A Level at Coleg Cambria so it was great to be able to put what we learnt into practice – to get the silver as well was a big shock, we were all thrilled.”
For more information on the wide range of courses and qualifications at Coleg Cambria, visit the website: