News from Wales

Update on council’s plan to support and develop Welsh language education in Neath Port Talbot

Councillors in Neath Port Talbot have been given a positive update on the authority’s Welsh In Education Strategic Plan (WESP) 2022 – 2032 which sets out its vision to support and further develop Welsh language education in schools and wider communities.

Welcoming progress on the plan, Neath Port Talbot Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Early Years, Cllr Nia Jenkins, said: “The council’s WESP 2022-32 will be the cornerstone for the council’s vision for increasing and improving the planning of the provision of Welsh medium education across Neath Port Talbot.

“It will enable all learners to develop their Welsh language skills and to use the language confidently in everyday life. It both complements and assists in facilitating the Welsh Government’s national vision for the Welsh language – to have a million Welsh speakers by 2050.”

During the update on 23/11/23, members of Neath Port Talbot Council’s Education, Skills and Wellbeing Cabinet Board were told the WESP has been developed through close working with partners including Neath Port Talbot schools, Menter Iaith, RhAG, Mudiad Meithrin, Neath Port Talbot College, Academi Hywel Dda Swansea University, the Urdd and with Welsh Government.

Cllr Jenkins added: “This council recognises that language and culture are critical parts of an individual’s identity and is committed to promoting and celebrating Welsh language learning across all phases and sectors.”

Key achievements in Neath Port Talbot over the last year include:

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