Update on the Lockdown Business Fund

The Lockdown Non Domestic Rate Grant is now closed to applications, however, the Lockdown Discretionary Grants will remain open until further notice.
Hundreds of businesses across Bridgend county borough have had applications for funding approved over the last few weeks as part of the Welsh Government’s Lockdown Business Fund.
The grants are for businesses which have faced operational and financial challenges caused by the local and national firebreak Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.
The Lockdown Discretionary Grant 1
A discretionary grant of £1,500 is available to assist businesses that:
- Were forced to close (as defined by the regulations) as a result of the national firebreak lockdown
- OR are able to demonstrate that the national firebreak lockdown resulted in at least an 80 percent reduction in their turnover for that period
The Lockdown Discretionary Grant 2
A discretionary grant of £2,000 is available to assist businesses that:
- Were forced to close (as defined by the regulations) as a result of the national firebreak lockdown
- ORare able to demonstrate that the national firebreak lockdown resulted in at least an 80% reduction in their turnover for that period
- ANDhad been subject to local restrictions for 3 weeks or more up to October 23 and experienced at least a 50% reduction in their turnover for that period.
To apply or for more details about the grants available as part of the fund, visit the Bridgend County Borough Council business support webpage.
Applications are dealt with on a first come first served basis. This may lead to applications not being appraised after they have been submitted if the fund is fully committed.