News from Wales

Update on your corporate governance reporting obligations

Liz Haberfield, Associate Director at Greenaway Scott discusses the changes being made to governance reporting obligations due to the current pandemic

Corporate governance obligations for Welsh businesses are changing as the current COVID-19 pandemic develops. This article will outline the new guidance that has been published by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Financial Reporting Council (FRC) and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) with regard to your corporate reporting and publications. The joint proposal made by the FCA, FRC and PRA encourages businesses to delay their reporting in an effort to support the UK’s capital markets and to provide investors with a more accurate picture.

Listed companies

The FCA have implemented a temporary policy whereby listed companies have two months flexibility to publish their annual financial reports. Companies therefore have six months from the end of the financial year to make their financial publications. It is worth noting that this is simply a statement that the FCA have made, to advise that they will not take action should the reports be published within six months of the financial year-end. It is not a legislative change.

Listed companies may still wish to publish their financial reports within the usual four month time period. However, it is strongly recommended to carefully consider each element of your timelines in order that you do not draw undue adverse inferences, when there is additional time to analyse and prepare accurate information.
This policy will not apply to any other disclosure obligations. Companies should still have particular regard to their disclosures relating to the impact of the global pandemic and the business’ prospects. Please see our previous article for further information on COVID-19 disclosures.

Investors and lenders have also been encouraged to take stock of the current global climate when considering any uncertainty that arises with regard to the reports.
Corporate Governance Guidance and Recommendations

You are not alone if you are dealing with immense uncertainty and governance disruption within your business. The FRC has identified that Boards should consider the following in order to preserve effective corporate governance:

Corporate Reporting

The FRC acknowledges that boards cannot predict what the exact effects the pandemic will have on their company, however they have advised that it is reasonable for potential investors to expect a company to communicate the potential risks and the consequential impact on the business in different scenarios.

The FRC pursued feedback from investors and subsequently identified that the following disclosures are sought after and thus are worth providing clarity on:

Further measures

In order to allow companies to focus on the provision of the above information, there have been further measures implemented. For example, on 25 March 2020, Companies House issued guidance to allow for a delay on submitting accounts at Companies House by companies. Companies will still be required to apply for the three month extension, however this will automatically be granted for COVID-19 reasons. This highlights the importance of companies carefully considering the disclosures and information they provide, and the level of detail and thought that should go into them.

The advice and guidance provided is subject to constant change as the global situation develops and it is vital that companies stay up to date with any alterations. The FRC has advised that “[i]n these difficult times, the need for clear leadership, strong governance and effective decision making based on reliable information is stronger than ever” and that “the need for fuller disclosure is paramount.”

The information contained in this article is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice, but should you require any advice or assistance, the Corporate Governance team at Greenaway Scott would be delighted to help.

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