UWTSD’s BA Commercial Dance Programme Showcases Talent at Successful DanceXperience Event.

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Held at Haywood House on the University’s Cardiff campus, students worked towards creating an event in the first part of the academic year, developing their skills in arts management and marketing. DanceXperience is the culmination of this work, and provides a series of workshops and masterclasses for students with industry professionals.

This year, the event featured workshops with industry professionals such as Amber Howells, Wallis Pipe, and Nina Hayward. Each artist shared their expertise, helping students develop new routines for their Showreels. Students found the event to be incredibly valuable. Casey Bowen said:

“It gave me an insight into lots of different styles of dance and I very much enjoyed working with all the different professional dancers”.

Student Elinor Morgan added:

“I really enjoyed working with all the professional artists and learned a lot of valuable information. It was a great day!”

 UWTSD’S BA Commercial Dance Programme Manager Tori Johns said:

“Our BA Commercial Dance students created and hosted this event as part of a module on the course focussing on event management and marketing, and we are proud of the success of this year’s DanceXperience. It was an intense day of workshops, and our students put all their energy into creating some great pieces. This year, we are very excited to have taken the project further by providing video recordings to produce Showreels for students to include in their portfolio of promotional materials.”

For more information about the BA Commercial Dance Programme at UWTSD, visit: Commercial Dance (Full-time) | University of Wales Trinity Saint David