News from Wales

Wales Tech Week event hears how IOT Is Changing The World as We Know It

With focus shifting towards newer technologies and how companies can incorporate these into strategies, business owners and entrepreneurs from across Wales were invited to a virtual showcase as part of Wales Tech Week, hosted by Focus Carmarthen Enterprise Hub.

The event, held on Tuesday 14 July, focused on raising awareness and giving new start up and existing businesses an insight into how Internet of Things can be incorporated into business models. Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of Internet connected objects able to collect and exchange data. This fast developing sector contains a broad scope of application from a smart TV, a home thermostat and even a rat catcher!

Over 60 attendees dialled in to this digital conference to hear four key speakers and an introduction from the Deputy Minister for Economy & Transport, Lee Waters MS.

Opening the session, Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport Lee Waters, said:

“Covid-19 has shown us we have the technology to operate differently and this has forced us to break through those artificial barriers. Tech has been scaled up within a couple of weeks, which normally takes years, and the challenge now is to jump on the momentum and use it to benefit the economy in South West Wales. It’s important to remember that digital is not just about kit, it’s about culture.”

Following this, attendees heard from Mark Stanley, Gary Howell, Jen Fenner and Peter Gwyn Williams. Each speaker covered a different topic relating to IoT, discussing everything from mouse traps with sensors that relay information back to a dashboard, to an initiative looking to tackle loneliness due to lockdown.

Angharad Harding, Hub Manager of Carmarthen Enterprise Hub, said:

“The team at Carmarthen Enterprise Hub were very pleased to organise this exciting event, and are happy to have worked in partnership with the Swansea Bay City Deal, Welsh Government and Wales Cooperative Centre. With over 60 attendees all interested in learning more about IoT, it’s been an excellent event as part of Wales Tech Week.”

Following the event, attendees were invited to an exclusive SMART networking group. The aim of this is to look at the uses of IoT and discuss barriers that may prevent businesses in the region from adopting and utilising this technology. These discussions will allow the Hub to look for solutions that may be available, ensuring businesses have the resources they need to adopt IoT technology.

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