Welcome back to your local Library and One Stop Shop
Libraries across Denbighshire will be re-opening their doors from Monday, March 29 for browsing for books, using a computer and printing, and accessing One Stop Shop services. To ensure a safe visit, customers will need to phone their local library to make an appointment to visit.
Libraries are a safe place to visit with plenty of room for social distancing, limited numbers of people in at any time, and hand and equipment sanitiser available. All returned books are quarantined for 72 hours before being touched.
Visits to browse and choose books are limited to 20 minutes, and computer sessions are currently limited to 45 minutes, and one per week. You will need your library card number to book a computer session.
If you require help at the One Stop Shop with a Council query or to make a payment, please call the library and ensure you have all the relevant details, so that we can deal with your query, and arrange an appointment if you need to come in.
The popular Order and Collect service will continue if you would prefer for library staff to choose the books for you to collect or have delivered to you. The Home Library Service is making deliveries of books to anyone who is unable to visit their local library – please call the library or visit the website to find out more about this service.
So that the shelves can be stocked up, you are asked to please return any books you’ve had on loan by dropping them off at the library. All the books currently on loan are being automatically renewed and you won’t be fined even if you’ve had them for months.
Remember that you can join the library, order books and download e-books, e-audiobooks, magazines and newspapers free – please visit www.denbighshire.gov.uk/libraries