Welsh entrepreneurs among the most likely to sacrifice their personal lives for their business

New research by Superscript; the subscription-based, online business insurance provider, finds that 51% of Welsh business owners rarely think about a work/life balance and see running their business as much as part of life as socialising. As a result, their personal lives may have taken a backseat with 41% admitting that making their business a success is the number one priority right now. Over a third (37%) of Welsh entrepreneurs even feel that launching their own business is as good as or better than sex!

49% of Welsh entrepreneurs prioritised work over their personal relationships as they have a desire to gain greater control over their schedule (21%), have the satisfaction of building a business for themselves (20%), and want to pursue their passion by focusing on their own business (22%) over sex and relationships. Despite the clear desire to follow their passion, it seems that their spirit for the bedroom has dwindled. But is starting up and running a business really better than sex?

37% of business owners surveyed in Wales believe so as they compare the feeling of launching their own business to be better or at least as good as sex itself – and that’s just the beginning. For many, the first sale or client win is deemed euphoric as near a third (32%) compare the feeling to be better or at least the same as sex, and when it comes to realising their business is going to be sustainable, 33% feel the same.

“The fact that Welsh entrepreneurs are willing to put their personal life and their sex life on the backseat to start up and run their own businesses illustrates the intense dedication of the modern entrepreneur. The entrepreneurial lifestyle is clearly much more appealing to those seeking financial freedom and a break from the 9-to-5 in the post-COVID environment, as it has led to many starting up their own small businesses as a result. Business start-ups were up 24% at the end of last year, showing just how much opportunity is out there for those willing to take the leap” says Cameron Shearer, co-founder, and CEO of Superscript.

Although 61% of Welsh business owners feel that their work has not impacted romantic relationships during lockdown, 22% admitted that most of the time they would rather be working that spending time with friends to focus on making their business is a success. 13% of people have even cancellled on a date up to four times to prioritise their business!

Shearer adds, “The amount of small businesses buying insurance from Superscript has more than doubled month-on-month since the start of the year. It’s great to see the entrepreneurial spirit grow amongst the so-called ‘snowflake’ generation and proves how in reality, the leaders of the future are just as willing to take risks and make personal sacrifices to be successful”.

To find out more about Superscript and the human impact of working for yourself during lockdown, visit: https://gosuperscript.com/business-is-personal

Do you think you’ve got what it takes to start up and run your own business? Try out Superscript’s quiz to find out.