Welsh feel guilty more than 63 times a month – and plastic use is just one of the reasons

The Welsh feel remorse for something around 16 times per week, adding up to a whopping 821 shameful occasions each year, according to a new survey published today.

A poll of 2,000 people by Bright & Beautiful identified those in the capital as having the most guilt per month across the UK – 46% more than their neighbours in Wales.

In comparison, adults in Scotland and Northern Ireland appear to have more of a guilty conscience with 72 and 69 thoughts a month respectively.

Some of the top reasons people in Wales feel guilty every day include being late (34%), forgetting a special occasion such as birthday or anniversary (34%) and buying something in a plastic bottle (24%)

And another 29% feel guilty for passing a homeless person on the street and not giving them any money.

Others admitted to feeling remorseful after failing to recycle properly buying fruit and veg in a plastic bag.

Sue Moore of Bright & Beautiful, said:

“Guilt is a strange feeling that makes us do strange things.  Some things we end up feeling guilty about are really no big deal, while others can have bigger repercussions.

“Our study found lots of people feel guilty about the way they treat the environment – which is one step towards making lifestyle changes for the better.”

Other top guilt-triggers for adults in Wales include 27% leaving the lights on in a room when you aren’t in there and 23% for putting the heating on.

Almost a quarter confess to cancelling plans at the last minute and 40% can’t stand wasting food.

Almost six in ten, however, believe they’re likely to make changes to their lifestyle if the guilt gets too strong.

And 25% feel the same way after running the tap for longer than needed.

11% admit to taking the biggest slice of cake – only to be consumed with guilt afterwards.

Only a third feel guilty about their lack of action when it comes to being environmentally friendly.

Furthermore, 82% cent believe everybody needs to do more to cut back on plastic usage in all areas of their lives.  Indeed, many people now use cotton bags for their shopping.

So far, 75% of adults in Wales have pledged to do just this, according to the OnePoll research.

Sue Moore added:

“It’s easy to use things like non-recyclable plastic because it’s so easily available.

“As much as consumers should be trying to reduce the amount of plastic they use, it would be good to see more big companies make changes themselves.

“As a professional domestic housekeeping business, we pride ourselves on doing good for the planet by reducing our plastic use and using non-toxic chemicals where possible.  If everyone does their bit, together we can make the world’s resources last much longer.”