Welsh Government accepts recommendations of Homelessness Action Group – Crisis responds

Today the Welsh Government has published the third and final report of the Homelessness Action Group, accepting in principle its recommendations.
The group was established in 2019 to identify the measures and policies needed to end homelessness in Wales. It includes housing, homelessness and health representatives from across Wales and is chaired by Crisis Chief Executive Jon Sparkes. Its work has already help to inform the homelessness response in Wales to the coronavirus outbreak, which includes £50m announced in July to support people in temporary accommodation into permanent homes and to begin the transformation of services.
Jon Sparkes, chair of the Homelessness Action Group and Chief Executive of Crisis, said: “It is hugely encouraging that the Welsh Government has accepted the recommendations of the Homelessness Action Group and reaffirmed its commitment to taking the steps needed to end homelessness in Wales.
“The extraordinary work taken during the coronavirus outbreak by councils, public services and the Welsh Government to provide people who had nowhere safe to stay with emergency accommodation has undoubtedly saved lives. It has also enabled more people than ever before to get support and for us all to see that when we empower services to do whatever it takes to end homelessness, they can have a massive impact.
“It is a great privilege to work with people with lived experience of homelessness, alongside those in local government, housing and homelessness groups and health services to secure lasting change. We must maintain this momentum and it is very encouraging to see the Welsh Government acknowledge the need for long term funding for the work to prevent and end homelessness.
“We look forward to working with them as they develop actions to implement the changes needed to end homelessness for good in Wales.”