Welsh Government issues further guidance for Tourism and Hospitality businesses

As Wales looks at a phased re-opening, the Welsh Government has called upon businesses to follow the Guidance for Tourism and Hospitality businesses.
As each premises is different, businesses should read all guidance to understand the measures to be considered to re-open the business safely.
The following additional measures are intended to provide further advice for self-contained accommodation businesses and must be considered in line with the UKHospitality Wales Guidance and the Guidance for Tourism and Hospitality.
Guidance will be updated – please check back regularly.
Businesses should also consider, where appropriate:
- Strengthening their policy on safe disposal of face coverings for staff and visitors
- Introducing measures for staff and visitors, on arrival, such as taking temperature tests, asking people to sanitise their hands and asking questions around whether they are displaying any symptoms.
- Considering the flow of guests/visitors and how to avoid any household mixing by keeping guests/visitors apart as they move around the premises throughout their visit/stay, with particular regard to enclosed public areas such as lifts, stairs and corridors
- Instructing guests/visitors to move through enclosed public areas as quickly as possible, and to avoid shouting or singing in such areas
- Within accommodation, ensuring that guests keep the doors to their rooms closed at all times, apart from when entering and leaving.
- Staggering room service/laundry delivery etc to rooms, to avoid guests opening doors and coming out at the same time.
- Reviewing their incident and emergency procedures to ensure they reflect the physical distancing principles as far as possible, including considering how to minimise household-mixing when congregating in fire assembly areas.
Welsh Government have produced the five key steps that all those responsible for work in Wales should implement to Keep Wales Safe.
Please visit the Business Wales Keep Wales Safe at Work pages for further information for your business on dealing with the Coronavirus outbreak.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions in relation to Coronavirus is also updated regularly on Gov.Wales.