News from Wales

Welsh International Gets People Talking to Tackle Loneliness

It isn’t every day that you are invited to have a cuppa with a rugby legend, but people throughout South and West Wales who are experiencing feelings of loneliness can meet up with Dafydd James at a friendly coffee morning, to help them tackle isolation.

A series of free coffee mornings have been organised by JCP Solicitors, in partnership with mental health charity Hafal, with the gatherings going ahead in February and March, in Fishguard, Caerphilly, Carmarthen, and Cowbridge where JCP has a long-established offices. All are invited to go along to enjoy a chat over coffee and cake, joined by the Welsh International and British Lions star.

Chris Shaw, Head of Lifetime Planning at JCP Solicitors said:

“We are pleased to host these friendly and informal events, in partnership with Hafal, and we’re grateful to Dafydd for giving his time to support the coffee mornings. As a Hafal ambassador, Dafydd has spoken very movingly about his own struggles with loneliness, isolation and anxiety in recent years. It is very important that, as a society, we become more comfortable with sharing our own experiences in this way, so we can get the support we need and spot when those around us need a listening ear.

“I know this can be a particular problem for older people in our communities and neighbourhoods. Our Lifetime Planning Team meets regularly with elderly clients to discuss Wills. And often we are the only person they have spoken to that week. So we hope these events will provide the perfect opportunity for anyone feeling lonely to get together. We will share some valuable tips at these events on beating loneliness, by taking some simple steps.”

Dafydd James said:

“I am happy to be involved in this series of events with JCP Solicitors and Hafal. Feelings of loneliness, isolation and anxiety can affect anyone, at any age or at any stage in their life, as I know from personal experience. It can be debilitating and can have a devastating effect on a person’s life, health, career and relationships. But too often it is a hidden problem because we still, as a society, have not been able to remove the stigma around mental health issues. This will only change when we start to speak up and really talk to each other – so let’s do this with our friends, neighbours, colleagues and families, and at community events such as this one. I am looking forward to meeting some new faces there.”

In October 2019 JCP Solicitors signed up to Time to Change Wales, the first national campaign in Wales designed to end the stigma around mental health issues.

The campaign is being delivered by Hafal in partnership with Mind Cymru, aimed at improving people’s understanding of mental illness and diminishing the discrimination and stigma that surrounds it.

The events are drop in session between 10am and 12pm, taking place at:-

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