WGU lecturers contribute to industry leading book on social work in Wales

Wulf Livingston (002)

The first ever text to exclusively focus on social work in Wales is to be published this summer, with contributions from a number of Wrexham Glyndwr University (WGU) lecturers and a foreword by the First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford.

Social Work in Wales is the first book to provide an in-depth look into what makes the Welsh social work context unique.

Covering the subject knowledge required by the Welsh regulator, Social Care Wales, the book provides essential reading for students and practising social workers in Wales, and rich contextual analysis for other international social work practitioners and writers.


Edited by Wulf Livingston, Professor of Alcohol Studies at WGU; Jo Redcliffe, Swansea University; and Abyd Quinn Aziz, Cardiff University, the book features contributions from WGU lecturers including chapters from Tegan-Brierley-Solis; Hayley Douglas; Helena Barlow, Liz Lefroy, Miriam Ennis – former WGU lecturer – as well as a chapter contribution from WGU PhD student Tim Versey and Professor Livingston.

It also includes a chapter written by Sarah Buckley, Graham Attenborough, Hope Lawrence, Tim Wynn, Jenny Burgess, Eluned Plack, Anna-Louise Edwards, Rhiana Povey and Sandra Williams, all of whom are members of WGU’s carer and user involvement group: Outside In.


Professor Livingston, who has worked in a range of community social work settings across Wales, said: “We are absolutely delighted to announce that Social Work in Wales –is being published this summer. This is the first book of its kind to focus specifically on social work in Wales and shine a light on the journey of devolution in Wales and social work.

“Given that this book is a first for the field, it is likely to become a core text for pre- and post-qualifying programmes within Wales.

“It’s also a real coup that we have a foreword from the First Minister of Wales, who shares a background in social work, probation and youth justice. His foreword places an emphasis on what practice looks like in a modern Welsh context.”


Dr Simon Stewart, Dean of the Faculty for Social and Life Sciences at WGU, said: “This book is an immense milestone for the field of social work in Wales and I’m incredibly proud of the contribution made from a large number of cross-faculty colleagues from Wrexham Glyndwr University.

“I have no doubt that this book will have a huge impact on the field and will be essential reading for both students and practitioners. A huge congratulations to everyone involved in making this book happen.”


Ahead of release of the book, a Meet the Editors webinar event is due to be taking place on Monday, March 27 between 4pm-5pm, aimed at Welsh academic teaching staff, social work students and practice learning co-ordinators in Wales. To book a place, please use the following Eventbrite link.

For more information about the book, visit: https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/social-work-in-wales