What Are the Dangers of Lane Splitting for a Motorcyclist?

Motorcyclists account for 20% of all road deaths in the UK. Some people like to blame this shocking statistic on lane splitting, but the truth is that motorcyclists are more likely to be in an accident because they’re much more vulnerable than other vehicles.
That doesn’t take all the blame off lane splitting, however. It’s a dangerous activity, and it could lead to a motorcycle accident if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you want to learn more about the dangers of lane splitting for motorcyclists, then keep reading!
Is Lane Splitting Safe?
Lane splitting can be a great way to avoid congestion and save time on your commute. You’re more likely to arrive at work on time and not miss any deadlines. However, lane splitting can also lead to serious injuries or even death if done incorrectly.
In fact, lane filtering (or lane splitting) is among the top 10 causes of motorcycle accidents in the UK.
When it comes to traffic safety in general, motorcyclists are at a higher risk of being injured than car drivers because they’re harder to see. If you do nothing else right, always be aware of where other vehicles are located when filtering through traffic so that you don’t get into an accident.
Is Lane Splitting Legal?
It’s important to note that lane splitting is totally legal in the UK. Riders can rest assured that they won’t be prosecuted for filtering between lanes if they adhere to certain guidelines.
If other vehicles are stopped and you are passing them at less than 15 miles per hour, then it is likely that your lane splitting will not be illegal. If traffic is going faster than walking pace, it might be best to avoid filtering until traffic comes to a halt. You should only change lanes when there’s no immediate danger of colliding with another car.
How to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Lane Splitting?
The best way to avoid motorcycle accidents caused by lane splitting is to follow the rules of the road and make sure that you’re always riding safely. Make sure that you are wearing a helmet, eye protection, and other protective gear at all times while riding.
Besides having the proper gear, do the following to stay safe while lane splitting:
- Keep your eyes on the road
- Stay out of other driver’s blind spot
- Slow down when traffic is heavy
- Stay away from trucks and buses
- Never split lanes on a curve
It’s important to remember that if you’re injured in an accident from someone else’s negligence, then you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. This page on motorcycle accident attorney tips can help you find a lawyer to assist with your claim.
Stay Safe on the Road
Lane splitting is faster, but it’s important to understand the risks before you try this technique on your own. If you’re thinking about lane splitting, make sure you’re taking precautions like wearing protective gear and driving a motorcycle that can handle this kind of riding.
For more riding tips, check out our blog. You’ll find new ways to stay safe on the road and information on how to handle a motorcycle accident.